1,000 Paper Cranes

Even when I was little my mind was buzzing with ideas. It was hard to keep still, hard to keep focused on just one thing.

For me, waiting was torture, as it is for most children.

To keep me occupied while we were waiting and to stop the whining, my Mum would teach me games like I Spy and sometimes when the mood took her, she would fold paper.

The first thing I remember my Mum teaching me to fold was a sweet wrapper. A rectangle of jewel coloured foil. She folded it in a careful zig-zag accordion across the diagonal then, with her fingernail, slowly and carefully folded it back and forth along its length.

When she gently unraveled it, it looked as though it had been quilted.

I was mesmerized

Later she would teach me to fold paper into the “snap dragon” game, do you remember it? Eeny meeny miney mo, pick a number, off you go.

She taught me how to fold and cut a postcard-sized piece of paper so that it opened into a loop big enough to step through.

Together we graduated to paper boats and planes and pirate hats. Then ever more complicated objects with beautifully coloured origami paper.

Fold, crease, fold

I was the kid who couldn’t stop learning, couldn’t get enough of the new ideas, new things to try, new books to read.

I’m still that kid.

I have always been fascinated by the Japanese legend of the paper cranes.  The story says that if you fold 1,000 paper cranes you will be granted a wish to bring you prosperity or good luck.

I like that idea.

When you fold paper you have to be patient. You have to take your time, you have to get your creases and folds in the right order. You start with the foundations then you work your way up to the intricate and beautiful.

I like the idea of carefully honing your craft, learning the basics, learning how to fold better and more precisely. Discovering what will work for some papers and yet not for others.

It is very much how I like to approach working with businesses. They bring their businesses to me and we carefully fold and crease and tuck and learn together until at the end there is a beautiful paper crane, ready to soar.

1,000 Paper Cranes

I like the idea of 1,000 cranes to bring those businesses good luck and prosperity. I want that good luck wish for every single one I work with.

I don’t know how long it will take but I plan to fold 1,000 paper cranes. One for every business I work with, who then sees themselves soar as a result.

Fold, crease, fold.

One thousand times.